When you need something to believe in, start with YOURSELF

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hey you, remember me?

                                                                                                                October 21, 2014

 It’s been awhile. I am sure for most of you, my little online journal has been nothing but a distant memory of a hairdresser or friend who posted a few bright/thought provoking…err, well, maybe even cliché type ideas a couple times a month.  For me, this little spot in my busy life was the one where I would be most myself and not actually be behind the chair.  For months, I have let my little spot sit quietly.  I would sit and stare at a blank screen occasionally and wonder if there was anything nice to say.  And, if I didn’t have anything nice to say, would anyone really want to listen?
There is a time in everyone’s life, whether we choose to admit it or not, where we aren’t the most pleasant person in the room.  It can happen when we least expect it or it can be something we see coming for a long time.  Regardless of how it happens, we make choices in our life that can occasionally lead us to a place we never thought we would be.  And, once we get there, well, let’s just say there are only two choices.  We either sit in it, or we dig our way out.  What’s even harder to come to terms with is the time it can take to “fix” what’s broken.
So, my dear reader, like a car that needed fine tuning, I have been  out of commission and focusing on the fine tuning.  Let’s face it.  It is impossible for me to be your hairapist without taking the time to look inward…even if I don’t always like what I see.  It’s through times like these an outgoing bubbly personality like mine can take on the quiet persona that even the ones closest to me worry about what could possibly be happening.  And, even more importantly,  when will I bounce back?   And though I may not like the approach, I got a really sharp sting to my emotional “face” when I was told not so tactfully, “If you think this was bad for you, imagine how it was for the rest of us to deal with you.”  YOWZA!!  And, now, message received.
I can’t say I am the same “old me”.  But, I can say I am finding an inner peace I didn’t know I had.  And, well, I am also waking up creatively (I know, you missed me, right?) and longing for the next step again.  I no longer feel like an empty shell of myself.  And, better yet, I am reaching out again and serving others.  There is nothing more healing than to take part in the healing process with someone who is experiencing even more pain than you are, my friend.  It doesn’t have to be during working hours, and well, it doesn’t even have to be some grand gesture.  But, if there is one thing I have learned through these quiet months, it is this:  Everyone in this world wants to be heard and wants to know they matter.  So I ask you, what can you do today to reach out to someone and let them know they are loved?  When was the last time you let someone know they how important they are?  I challenge you to do something small to reach out to another.  I promise, they won’t see it as small.  And, above all else, I promise the world will be a little brighter today because of you.

And, of course, remember to believe.