When you need something to believe in, start with YOURSELF

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Confessions of an (almost) Ponytail

Those of you who know me know how I feel about the (dreaded) ponytail.  Yes, there is a time and a place for this 'do, but the fact is, I just don't like them.  Working out, cleaning house, new baby, fine.  But if you are sporting this look to work...you need an intervention.
Due to the chaos in my life, I have been on a haircut strike.  Yes, this hairdresser, who always has the polished perfect look is just letting it go.  I am lucky to get the gray hairs covered these days due to how busy Penny and I have been.  Yes Penny, that is a hint.  So, while caring for my son and running around the house yesterday, I found myself calling out to my teenager "Do you have a ponytail holder?"  Yeah, I said it.  And, within a few minutes I had a nub of hair on the back of my head.  It isn't quite long enough to look like the horse's a@# I usually refer to, but the fact is, I went there.  And, I have to admit for the chaos I was dealing with in the house, it was worth it.  So ladies, I am going to stop giving you a hard time for the next few hot months when you stroll into the salon with your 'do in the dreaded ponytail.  And, I am going to sport mine only in the comfort of my own home with no witnesses but the family.
Please let me be clear, I am happier with a beautiful blowout on each and every one of us, but let's face it.  Sometimes ya just need to throw it back and look like a horse's a@#. 

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