When you need something to believe in, start with YOURSELF

Monday, July 7, 2014

Lessons from my one year old Munchkin

Photo credits to the Amazingly Talented Heather Sippel.  She made Little Eastyn's birthday extra special with her photography.

It's mid afternoon and I am blogging.  In the quiet.  This, for any mother with four kids, is unheard of.  I am giddy like I was as a teenager when I would get to drive my dad's convertible with the top down on a sunny day.  My how life has changed.  So the wind might not be blowing through my hair but I am blessed to be sitting in the peace and quiet allowing my thoughts to flow freely.
Now, you may be seeing the title of this blog and if you don't have kids, you may be wondering if there is anything you can get out of it.  But, the fact is, there's more than a few things this little person has taught me.  Some are motherly lessons and some are just about life.

  1. When you are ready to do something, do it.  This little one was quite comfortable in her space.  She came when she was good and ready and NO ONE was going to rush her out of her comfort zone.  But when she was ready, she made her entrance quickly and gracefully and was shining for the whole room to see.
  2. When you're not happy with a situation, make it known.  Chances are if you speak up loud enough, you will be heard.  She may be number four, but she isn't one to sit back quietly while the others over power her.  The point is, you may feel like the little person in the room but you have a voice, so use it!
  3. There is nothing wrong with taking a time out.  In her case a nap.  Well, let's just say, I have finally given in a few times to the age old advice "when your baby is napping you should nap".  I haven't done it much but when I have, I feel like a new person.  I believe I will continue this tradition occasionally as much as I can for as long as I can.  After all, she will be napping for at least another year, right?  When you can, take some time for yourself.  You won't regret it.
  4. There's nothing wrong with enjoying your meal.  And, if you don't like something, don't eat it.  Now, I am not saying spit it out in disgust like this little one does, but hey, why waste time on the stuff you don't want?
  5. Dance like no one is watching and if they are make them dance like a fool with you.  This little girl has some moves.  They are hysterical and all her own making.  She doesn't care what the music is and she doesn't care who is around.  I am going to start to work on this one.  Being carefree is a release.  So, why don't we let go a little more often?
  6. There's nothing wrong with a few snuggles with the ones you love.  Kisses, hugs and comforting quiet time with our family can be incredibly healing.  Eastyn has shown me (again) how amazing it is to embrace someone completely unguarded with the only intention being that of comfort.  I am going to work on being more open to loving the ones I have surrounding me.  Hugs can be so powerful.
  7. The mundane tasks of every day life don't have to be so "boring".  This baby loves to "help" me with laundry.  She gets giddy when the big bucket enters the room filled with clothes still warm from the dryer.  She immediately starts to laugh and grab the clothes and run around the room with them.  When she is around, doing laundry doesn't seem so bad.  I am going to try and let go just a little bit more.  The laundry might take a little longer these days and well....the house isn't quite as clean as it used to be but I have to admit I am enjoying the process alot more this past year than ever before.

They all might seem like little things, but these days, the little things have become the big things.  Today, I am thankful I have had the last year to be reminded of the little things from this little person.  Life might not be perfect, some might even say far from it.  But, I think after E wakes up, we will try a  little dancing.  And I'll continue to believe.

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