When you need something to believe in, start with YOURSELF

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Every day I go to work, it is with the anticipation of what lies ahead.  I never know if it will be a day of clients needing to unload emotional baggage and a serious hairapy session, or if it will be a day of excitement and new ideas.  Last week, I had a day I would compare to Christmas.  I had THREE new clients in ONE day!  This never happens.  I am usually seeing my "regulars".  And, please know I love each and every one.  But, there is something about a "newbie" that brings about an indescribable giddiness in me.  I find it hard to contain myself.  And many times, I get strange looks from this poor person who has no idea how passionate I am about what I do.  (To the people who really know me and my creative "process", they are probably chuckling right now).
This day was MIND. BLOWING.  Three people, all with different "hair issues" and they were all extreme makeovers.  I felt alive with creativity and was able to let the outside world go and savor every moment.  I had no expectations of what the day was to be, and it turned out to be AH-MAZING!  I came home on a natural high of a day filled with success. There is something truly incredible in the creative process when passion and talent come together and I see my client's face light up as they see the finished look in the mirror.  The craziest part about this?  They are trusting a complete stranger based off of one person telling them I am good at what I do.  Yikes.  Now that is pressure.  I always ask if they are nervous.  Sometimes the answer is yes (well, most of the time).  And sometimes the answer is no (followed by "it's just hair"...people, it is never "just hair" to me).
This day got me thinking about my life right now and all of the changes I have had going on.  I have been quiet on the blogging front because I wanted to reconnect with myself and make sure my blog wasn't veering away from what I wanted it to be.  I wanted an authentic view of the life of a hairapist with a twist of day to day life lessons.  I wanted to uplift the reader or at least get them thinking.  If my angels were down to a low hum (or I was just too distracted to listen) how was I going to be able to give anything to my reader?
I believe my biggest struggle has been expectations.  I set them for myself and for those around me.   And, when I fail to meet them, or the people around me do, I let it take me down.
My Christmas Day in the salon made me rethink this.  When there is no expectation, how can there be disappointment?  When we stop expecting people to act a certain way, or our day to head in a certain direction, disappointment isn't an option.  In it's place is the opportunity for magic to happen.
I was listening to an audio book in the car the other day from one of my favorite spiritual advisors.  She said if you take five minutes in the morning of quiet to be thankful for what you have and open your mind to the possibilities of the day, you will not be disappointed.  I tried it.  I thought, what do I have to lose?  It's five minutes.  And, you know what?  It worked.  Now, in my way of thinking, this was time to listen to those angels and let go of expectation.  For you, it may be viewed differently.  But, however you look at it, it's five mintues.  Try it.  What do you have to lose.  Let go of the expectations of yourself and those around you.  And believe.

1 comment:

  1. So, what book are you reading? I would like to read it, and yes I accept your challenge of taking five minutes in the morning of quiet time and being thankful for what I have and be open to the possibilities of the day!!!! I will let you know. I am also glad to see you back on FB!!!


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