When you need something to believe in, start with YOURSELF

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Big "C"

*Yes I have posted a few times today.  And I was going to save this post for another time.  But two things.  Our sweet little baby is having tubes put in her ears tomorrow early in the morning so there won't be a post tomorrow.  And, secondly, while walking on the treadmill tonight, I felt this post just couldn't wait til tomorrow.  I have no idea who it was meant for, but here it is...

After many months of hearing my husband complain about our bed (which I loved, btw...double pillow top, etc), we went out and on a whim, purchased a ridiculously expensive L-E-M-O-N.  It was the worst (and most expensive) purchase we have made in our married life.  I am telling you about this bad decision not because I have advice on bed purchasing (clearly I am not the one to consult about this), but rather because of something incredible that happened today.
My oldest daughter works in the mall.  I drove her to work and decided to take the baby and walk around for a little while.  I walked passed a mattress store and decided to go in and check things out.  No expectations.  After all, the last experience in one of these stores was such a positive one (*insert sarcasm here).
I walked into an almost empty store except for the sales associate and an older couple.  While waiting for the sales associate, the couple approached and we started talking about the different mattresses, etc..  They were very sweet.  The woman complimented my haircut.  I thanked her and told her I was a hairdresser.  She quietly replied "Oh, well I wish I could come see you..."  Her husband cut her off quickly and said "but that's a wig".  They began to tell me she was just finishing chemo.  He had finished chemo and then it was her turn.  They couldn't go through it at the same time because "someone had to be able to drive back and forth to treatments".  I didn't hesitate.  I don't know what came over me (ahem, angels...singing) but I pulled out my business card from my wallet and told the woman when her hair starts to come back in, I would love to give her a free cut and help her start anew.  She thanked me over and over again.  Asked where I worked.  I left the store a short time later.  (No mattress purchase).
Later in the afternoon, I made a quick stop at the grocery store.  My younger son went in with me and we were rushing down the aisle when this woman with a FANTASTIC cut came around the corner.  She looked straight out of a magazine.  Short sassy (my favorite word) cut that made her eyes sparkle.  I couldn't help myself.  I blurted out, " Your cut is amazing.  You look beautiful."  Yep.  Total stranger.  (Penny knows.  I can't resist these kinds of moments.)  She took my hand in hers in the middle of the grocery store and said "Thank you so much.  You just made my day.  I had the big 'C' a few years ago.  I was so sad to part with my long hair.  Then as it was growing back in, I got this cut.  Everyone started complimenting me on it and I have had short hair ever since."  I said  "Well, you really look incredible."  She squeezed my hand and said "You just made my day".
No, dear stranger.  You just made mine.

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