When you need something to believe in, start with YOURSELF

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Relationship

I am bombarding all of you with posts!  But, strangely, it is still light out.  I have made dinner.  And I have total peace and quiet.  So, by request, I am going to touch on some key points of the relationship between client and hairapist (or hairdresser if you please).  Now, I am not speaking for all hairdressers.  This is MY position only so please refrain from negativity if you don't agree.  I feel like I can speak from the perspective of both the client and the hairdresser so I am giving an overview.  I'll try not to bore you with too many details...ahh, I'm lying.  I'll probably go into every nook and cranny of this subject because this truly is my passion.
So the title of this blog is the relationship because people, that's what it SHOULD be when you go see your hairapist!  If you don't feel comfortable to express what you want, don't want, like, don't like, etc...then what are you doing sitting in his/her chair?!  Of course the first time is always uncomfortable.  You don't know each other.  (See what I mean?  It sounds just like the first date.)  The point is, you need to have communication or it simply won't work.  Now, that being said, if you're a hairdresser and you aren't a good communicator then you aren't doing your job either.  And, well, I hate to say it, but you will probably be stuck working at a "churn and burn" without a clientele complaining about how you make no money and you don't have regulars....blah blah blah! 
As the client, you are paying for another person's time.  Know that YOU should be the center of attention.  If you aren't feeling that way, MOVE. ON.  Hair services are not an inexpensive investment.  You should feel for that hour...or more that you are the only person that exists for your hairapist.  It is YOUR time.  You should relax and enjoy.  Now, this being said, we are not servants.  We are educated service providers.  Please respect the fact that when you show up late, it throws our whole day off.  A phone call is much appreciated.  Repeated failure to appear at your appointment time is like saying our time isn't valuable.  Being open and saying "I can't make it" is a moment out of your day and makes a world of difference.
Next, we hairapists are visual people.  We love pictures!  I always tell my clients who want to change their look to bring me three photos.  One of what they have now to work with that we can tweak to work towards what they want.  Second, a photo of the inbetween stage that they can embrace while patiently waiting for their final look.  And the third and most obvious one...a photo of where they want to be.  Now, please understand, none of us are Gisele or Jennifer Aniston or whoever else you are bringing a photo of.  Black out the face of the person and just look at the hair itself.  More often than not, studies have shown it is the celebrity we want to look like, not their hair we desire. 
Listen to your hairapist.  After you express what you want, listen to their feedback.  First, we went to school for this and second (if we are a motivated hairapist) we have gone on to continue our education through classes to keep us up on the latest and greatest in the industry.  You may not always like what we have to say, but if both the client and the hairapist can "keep it real", magic CAN happen.
Finally, if your hairapist cannot tell you what they are using in your hair and why (regarding product), RUN!  When you are being educated on your new 'do and how to care for it, your hairapist should be able to tell you what they are using and why.  They should be able to show you how to maintain your new style at home and even more important WHAT IS IN THE BOTTLE YOU ARE BUYING AND WHY YOU SHOULD NOT NOT NOT BE BUYING products off the shelf at the grocery store.  If this isn't happening, chances are the person you are paying to do your hair has failed you. 1. Because you are going to go home using some crappy bottle of (bleep...whatever product you bought because said hairapist didn't care to help you) and 2. Because you are probably going to go home and curse him/her every time you try to do what was done in the salon because you have NO CLUE how to style it.
So, what does this all go back to?  Communication.  Your hair is the number one accessory you sport every day.  If you walk out of the house and you feel like your hair looks good, let's face it.  You're going to have a great day.  If you walk out of the house with a nest on your head of who knows what...well you might have a good day, but you probably won't look like it!  When you are spending the money, you deserve to get the most bang for your buck.
Finally, please value us.  We work really hard to give you what you need/want.  If we are good at what we are doing, let us know it.  Being in the service industry isn't easy.  We give everything we have on our feet all day to make YOU look at feel your best.  We give all we have to you (if we are a good hairapist), please show your commitment to us.
Much Love,
Your Hairapist

1 comment:

  1. You hit the nail on the head with this one girl! I love reading your blogs! You are such a good hearted and amazing woman. I have no idea how you can manage work, life, 4 kids, fitness, a social life, marriage and contstantly remaining positive and kind and willing to help others in need. You are such an inspiration and I admire how strong and positive you are! I miss working with you but we are better off out of the grips of "Greta" lol. Take care and stay strong, you definitely have everything it takes to succeed in life! Xoxo, Allyson (PS idk why this is under my husbands name, but oh well just wanted you to know it was me!)


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