When you need something to believe in, start with YOURSELF

Friday, March 21, 2014

I can't.

I have a major case of the “I can’ts”.  You know what I mean.  The days where you “can’t” do anything you need or want to do.  I can’t workout because I am too tired.  I can’t get enough sleep because of a teething baby.  I can’t lose weight because I don’t have time to make healthy meals today.  I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.
Now, normally, I am a go getter.  I am the girl who decides to workout and I go for it.  I decide I am going to eat right, and suddenly I am a culinary mastermind of gluten free recipes.  So what the heck has happened?
Life happened.  And, some days, if I could I would just say “FORGET IT” and crawl under the covers and go back to bed and forget the world was going on right outside my window.  It’s not “I can’t”.  It is the three year old in me, throwing myself on the ground and having a temper tantrum because things aren’t going my way.  I had a plan!  I was going to sleep 8 hours last night.  I was going to workout this morning.  I was going to make a day’s worth of healthy snacks for work.  People, NONE of that has happened.  I was up all night with a baby who is either teething or possessed.  I am now running on three hours of sleep and the treadmill seems like a mountain I am not willing or capable of climbing.  And meals?  HA!  I just sat here with a baby on my chest, coffee next to me and a donut (okay, two) inhaled while barely chewing.  
It’s not “I can’t”.  It’s just life.  And today, it is kicking my butt.  And well, yesterday it kicked my butt too.  So, I am going to let my inner three year old have a tantrum of “I don’t wanna’s” and I am then going to pick myself up and dust myself off.  And, I guess I am going to keep on keeping on. 
We don’t get a say in what happens around us.  We can plan all we want.  I am a master planner!  The thing is, most times, things don’t go according to my plans.  And today, I am going to tell myself I am okay with that.  It doesn’t mean I have failed.  It simply means it isn’t up to me.  I am a mere player in a bigger game called life.  I can either slap a smile on my face, and do the best I can, or I can let it get to me.  Who suffers if I pull the covers up over my head anyway? 
I will be heading to work shortly.  On three hours of sleep.  And, all the while wondering how my baby is doing.  And, reminding myself of the overwhelming piles of laundry and dishes.  I’ll probably go to work with a protein shake and a coffee.   Today, that will have to do.  And the silver lining (because there has to be one) will be every head of hair this hairapist gets to transform.  And, for every little thing bothering me, there is something so much bigger going on for someone else in the world.  Who knows.  Maybe the someone else will be in my chair.  Maybe, just maybe, I am needed today for something greater.  Workout or not, I am going to roll with it.  And, I am going to let the angels sing.  And today, I might ask them to carry me through my day too.
So what is your burden today?  Have you asked your angels to carry you through?

Believe.  I do.

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