When you need something to believe in, start with YOURSELF

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Ponytail

If you are someone who knows me well, you probably already know much of what I am going to say on this subject.  The ponytail is not something I take lightly.  I think it is great if you are working out, cleaning house, taking care of your kids, etc..  But, the reality is, if you are the one watching the ponytail walk down the street, you will know it looks like exactly what it is named after.  A horse’s a@#!  Why this look has become something some women wear 80 percent of the time so they can avoid the fact they have no desire to cut the long mane into a fashionable style is beyond me. 
Brenda is a client I have had for a very long time.  She has been growing her hair out since the day I met her.  She has a beautiful cut.  Okay, I did the cut so I might be a little biased.  BUT, she has this long layered cut and her hair is gorgeous.  Problem is, every time I see her around town at the grocery store or at a social event…yep, you guessed it.  A ponytail. 
Now in my mind, when I send a client out the door with this amazing new look and a blowout to die for, I picture them waking up every day and walking out of the house looking like that.  The reality is, we all have to live our lives and some days, that doesn’t include “doing” our hair.  But if you are walking around with a ponytail (aka horse’s “beep”) MOST of the time, it may be time to evaluate your hair situation.  Maybe you need a new ‘do.
Doesn’t this apply to life?  What else are you stuck in a rut with?  Are you getting out of bed every morning and doing the same thing just because?  Maybe it isn’t a ponytail.  Maybe it is the same clothing you have been wearing for years.  The yoga pants, have gone from a nice black to a greenish tinged mess with a couple holes here and there.  Or maybe it is more than that.  Maybe you are waking up to the same job…that you HATE. 
I call this syndrome “the-kid-in-the-corner”.  It is the kid in the corner of the room complaining he/she is overweight and eating donuts while saying it.  Why complain if you are unwilling to make the change?!  The people around you get tired of hearing the same thing over and over again when you do nothing to try and make the move toward your own personal happiness.  Most times it isn’t because of the complaining but rather because they care.  Doesn’t everyone deserve to have some happiness?
So, if you are sitting here reading this with your hair piled high in a ponytail and realize you have been wearing said ponytail longer than you can remember wearing it down.  Please.  Make a move.  A fresh cut.  A new style.  A renewed you.
And remember, it might not be the ponytail for you.  Whatever it is, be brave enough to make a change and get out of your comfort zone.  You never know what might be waiting for you.


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